Seeking the Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
What is the kingdom of God? And where do I find it?  According to Dallas Willard, the kingdom of God is God in action and we find the kingdom of God everywhere. But in order to find the kingdom of God, we must first seek it. 
Interestingly, Jesus doesn't say "Go find the kingdom of God." When I lose my keys, the first thing I do is to seek where I might have misplaced them. I seek to find my keys everywhere. Similarly, we are told by Jesus to seek God in action—the kingdom of God—everywhere
When I examine my daily life, I see that for much of the day, I seek other things. I seek comfort, I seek harmony, I seek friendship, I seek wisdom, I seek stimulation. These are not "bad" things in themselves, but when they take precedence over seeking the kingdom of God, they elude me. Why is this? Why am I unable to find peace? Why am I unable to find deep friendships?  Jesus says that if I seek the kingdom of God, I will find EVERYTHING that I need. Surely you agree that when Jesus speaks, we should do what He says. In essence, Jesus is saying that when we seek God in action—the kingdom of God—we will find everything we need. 
When I start the day, I  am immediately distracted. I turn to Facebook, CNN, emails, box scores, hoping that these will somehow satiate the longings of my heart. (If you really want to know what you seek each day, review your browser history).  We are easily distracted. In C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters, Uncle Screwtape encourages his nephew, Wormwood to "find anything or nothing to attract [the Christian's} wandering attention. Wormwood no longer needs a good book, which the Christian really likes, to keep him from his prayers or his work or his sleep; a column of advertisements in yesterday’s paper will do." The objective of the evil one is to distract us from seeking the kingdom of God. 
I pray that I will seek the kingdom of God first, today and always. Amen. 


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